Fancy seeing you here!

I'm Irene Scott.

Henry Ford said...

Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.

The thing is I'm the full stack software developer that always thinks she can.

AKA will make Ford Quote === true

I'm experienced in these Technologies/libraries so far, but am committed to learn more:

Ruby Rails SQL JavaScript React Redux HTML CSS Git

Top 3 Recent Development Projects

Projects that went from I can to I did and are now I still do

Because there's always room for improvement/expansion

Snakes and Ladders

Coded in: React, Redux, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, CSS, HTML

An sweet treat for the boardgame lovers infused with React with a hint of Redux

This digital board game of Snakes and Ladders was built with the React JavaScript framework along with using Redux as a state management tool. Of course I implemented CSS for styling and used an npm dice package. I have also programmed it so that games can be saved so that users can come back to a saved game later.

Traveler's Trivia

Coded in: JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, CSS, HTML

A site where users can test their trivia skills regarding multiple countries before they travel

Before people travel somewhere, it is always helpful to know about the place they are traveling to. What better way to educate themselves about where they are going than a country trivia game where users can answer trivia questions about countries in a beautifully designed way.

Since the main purpose of the application was to entertain users, I made it possible for them to save their scores to a high score board in an arcade type style that way everyone can see everyone else's scores.

Find Your Animal Today

Coded in: Ruby on Rails, CSS, HTML

A animal appreciation website

Out of a love for animals and to entertain users, I decided it would be a unique idea to be able to make this site to let users create their own accounts to let them create their own animals, so that they could share reasons for liking that animal with the rest of the users.

In addition it also features a way for users to give other people's animals reasons for liking them as well. It was coded with Ruby on Rails as a framework to organize the code with HTML and CSS for styling.

Alternatively, this website also features Google OAuth so that users can sign in with their Google accounts instead of making a username and password.

All my Projects

Cheesy Laughs

Coded in: Ruby

A pick-me-up CLI Joke Machine that users can request jokes from based on whatever category they want to hear from

Functional on the command line interface as of now, Cheesy Laughs is an incredibly simple application that people can use whenever they don’t feel happy which is determined to spit out customizable jokes based on whatever category of jokes they want to hear.

This app is structured to be determined to get you to smile through a series of logistics of yes or no answers. Behind the scenes it is creating calls to a third party joke API.

Demo Video

Find Your Animal Today

Coded in: Ruby on Rails, CSS, HTML

A animal appreciation website

Out of a love for animals and to entertain users, I decided it would be a unique idea to be able to make this site to let users create their own accounts to let them create their own animals, so that they could share reasons for liking that animal with the rest of the users.

There is also a way for users to give other people's animals reasons for liking them as well. It was coded with Ruby on Rails as a framework to organize the code with HTML and CSS for styling.

Alternatively, this website also features Google OAuth so that users can sign in with their Google accounts instead of making a username and password.

Snakes and Ladders

Coded in: React, Redux, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, CSS, HTML

An sweet treat for the boardgame lovers infused with React with a hint of Redux

This digital board game of Snakes and Ladders was built with the React JavaScript framework along with using Redux as a state management tool. Of course I implemented CSS for styling and used an npm dice package. I have also programmed it so that games can be saved so that users can come back to a saved game later.

Traveler's Trivia

Coded in: JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, CSS, HTML

A site where users can test their trivia skills regarding multiple countries before they travel

Before people travel somewhere, it is always helpful to know about the place they are traveling to. What better way to educate themselves about where they are going than a country trivia game where users can answer trivia questions about countries in a beautifully designed way.

Since the main purpose of the application was to entertain others I made it possible for them to save their scores to a high score board in an arcade type style that way everyone can see everyone else's scores.

Trip Planner

Coded in: Ruby, Sinatra framework, HTML, CSS

Users can make own accounts to keep track of their travel plans

This Travel Planner app is a simple, colorful, way for travelers to keep track of their travel plans. Users can create their own accounts to login and be able to save their own plans along with being able to edit and delete their plans if necessary.

Henry Ford Tribute Page

Coded in: HTML, CSS

A simple tribute webpage to the Henry Ford

Being a Ford fangirl, I created this codepen as a tribute page dedicated to the great Henry Ford. Coded only in HTML and CSS, this website features a timeline of events Ford was involved in to change the auto industry for the better.

Code Pen
See it in action!


Hi there I'm Irene. I'm a full stack software developer based in sunny Tampa, Florida. You can call me a full stack developer, a great team player, a problem-solver, or an effective communicator, even a comedian, but the one thing you can't call me is lazy because I love what I do and when you love what you do, it's hard to be lazy.
I'm originally from where the stars live (Los Angeles) and I'm a grad from the Flatiron School's software engineering program, an intensive course that improved my skills as a programmer from the self-taught projects I worked on beforehand. The most important skill I learned from there was not any of the coding, but rather how to solve problems which is really what software engineering is; solving problems.
In terms of my working style I would say that I bring plenty of positive energy to the table with good conversation, a hard work ethic, high levels of integrity, and especially teamwork. To elaborate on that last part, in my eyes it is evident, that almost anything that has ever been admired in this world, i.e. a major box office movie success, social media websites, even creating a well-rounded family, have been a team effort. To put it simply, I believe software development is all about collaboration and working hard to find solutions for clients/customers and those are two of my favorite parts of what successful software development looks like although there are plenty more.
My fascination with software development and my knack for solving problems gives me the fuel to continue to constantly learn new technologies and constantly improve myself in the world of software development. I often passionately write about projects I've built and coding concepts through my blogs.
I am currently seeking full stack, front-end, or back-end opportunities anywhere around the globe. Feel free to connect with me or see what I have to offer through looking at my portfolio projects or reading my blogs!
Click here to see my resume

Previews from my Medium Blog!